Windows Server System Administration For Beginner

A Step by Step Course to Start a Successful System Administrator Career

Why Learning Windows Server ?

According to Statista website, in 2018, Windows Server operating system was used on 71.9 percent of servers worldwide.
If you are planning to become a system administrator you need to master Windows server operating system.

This course will introduce you to Windows Server 2016 administration concepts and techniques.

I don't know so much about Windows server operating system!

I've been a system administrator for more than a decade now.
But when first I get my first system administrator job, I was moving from a programmer position.
It was two different worlds and I didn't know so much about Windows server operating system.

I've designed this course for people getting their foot in the door with system administration.
I'll walk you through the basics of Windows server administration so that you can accomplish your daily administration tasks.

I'll not only show you how to technically accomplish these tasks but I'll explain the why.
I'll give you the best practices and recommendations when accomplishing your administration tasks.

Course Curriculum

About Your Instructor...

Zine Eddine Bendjaballah

Zine Eddine Bendjaballah is an IT Engineer with over 20 years of experience.

I began my IT career as a programmer, which helped me grow my analytical and problem-solving skills.

When the time came, I turned to the system administration area, working for large companies;
- Developing, securing, and maintaining their IT infrastructure.
- Providing users support.

Throughout many years, I've sharpened my skills of Windows platforms and Networking, with a passion for troubleshooting.

Because I love helping people solve their problems, I create online courses and share my knowledge to help you grow your IT skills.

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